How we do it.


A case study to show the CGI process of an interior visualisation ‘Diamond’.

Stage 1: Concept and room planning

To start any project all we need is information from our client to give an overview of what it is required. In this case study the client wanted to depict a new range of furniture in a contemporary bedroom lifestyle setting. We request a concept image, create a suggested room layout spec, request materials or swatches, colour palette tones and any associated images of the furniture. Once we have this information we agree the layout, the placement of the furniture and we’re good to go.

Stage 2: Colour tones and room dressing

Once the building of the room set is underway, we can suggest or our client can request a style or theme of accessories to dress the room. We have access to many catalogues of artefacts that you can select to dress the room setting. This is truly a bespoke service.

Stage 3: Concept development and layout for approval

We build clay renders based on our clients request and direction as to where the furniture should be positioned. These clay images are sent for review and signed off prior to moving into the final stage of rendering. We can make any amendments at this stage. We can choose the light settings, angles of photography. Options are endless.

Stage 4: Final CGI rendering and completion


Once our client confirms that they are happy with the final clay images, we create a low resolution image for final review and approval. Once our clients are satisfied we render a hyper photo realistic visualisation of the original concept. From concept to final creation its so simple and the results are amazing.

Behind the scenes

Understanding what out CGI experts do on a daily basis and what goes into creating a scene…

Here is what our CGI expects do on a daily basis.