10 benefits of CGI versus photoshoots


Furniture CGI rendering and the 10 benefits over traditional photoshoots

When deciding whether to use CGI rendering over a traditional photoshoot, there are a number of benefits that companies should take into consideration. Within the CGI process, 3D modelling refers to the use of any computer-generated imagery that illustrates a more realistic representation of the product. The term “3D rendering” refers to the high level of realism involved so that it is very difficult to tell these images apart from traditional photographs, owing to the minute details such as material textures and reflections that are often included.

1. Cost-effectiveness

Traditional photoshoots take a lot of planning and preparation. There are many overheads to consider, such as renting a space, paying staff, props and decorations and if needs be, the images might need to be retaken, which means the set has to be reinstalled, all of which is expensive. With CGI, this process is much more streamlined as most of the work is completed remotely; companies do not have to budget for the many overheads incurred with traditional photoshoots. Additionally, designers are able to create digital backgrounds and so the need for props and decorations is also expendable.

2. Image control

When traditional photoshoots are used, there are a number of variables that come into play that can affect the outcome of the images. Light is one of these. However, if designers choose to use CGI, then this level of unpredictability is significantly reduced, as they have much more control over the images they produce. They can, in effect, produce near-perfect images, with backgrounds created from the beginning and use a high level of photorealism and consistency throughout.

3. Editing

Using CGI to create images rather than more traditional methods, means that designers are able to edit images much more quickly. All they have to do is open a file and make the adjustments. Traditional methods would mean setting up a shoot again, all of which costs time and money, so yet again, CGI shows how it is more cost-effective.

4. Customised products

By using CGI, designers are able to create a number of stock images that show consumers a range of products in a variety of styles and colours. This means that they are able to showcase their options much more easily than if they had used a traditional photoshoot.


5. Less complicated workflow

With traditional photoshoots, the workflow is somewhat convoluted. Starting with an initial consultation and budget meeting, there is then a multitude of preparations to be considered even before any photographs have been taken and when they finally have, they might require some digital enhancement of some sort. However, by using CGI there is a simpler way. Companies can correspond directly with designers as the images are created and sent to them. No complications and a vastly reduced cost.

6. Time to launch is shortened

As previously mentioned, the workflow for the CGI process is much simpler. This means that when it comes to launching products, companies who used CGI instead of traditional photoshoots, can do so on a much shorter timescale. This can have huge implications when it comes to competitive markets and profit margins and also means that the risk of missed opportunities is significantly reduced.

7. Creativity

When using 3D CGI rendering, the creative boundaries can be pushed more so than when using traditional photography. Unlike the latter, CGI rendering is able to show cross-sections and close-ups of images. The versatility and capabilities of using this computer-generated technology can aid promotional campaigns, marketing, social media and website content for businesses enormously, as the customer is able to engage more fully with the product.

8. Environmental sustainability

It is very important for businesses to be able to show that they understand and incorporate environmental sustainability within their company. By using CGI rendering, companies are able to reduce their carbon footprint as the need for physical sets, single-use props and travelling are no longer required.

9. Accessibility

One final advantage of using CGI over photoshoots, is that all companies, regardless of size, can use it.  They have control of the photorealism of their products and branding when using CGI. Smaller companies are also not restricted by the time and cost implications that a photoshoot can incur. 

If you would like to see how we use furniture CGI rendering, please get in touch.


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